CA Supplier Code | Contact Number 323.505.2724


Contact Number 323.505.2724

Last updated: November 20, 2023

California Transparency in Supply Chains Act / U.K. Modern Slavery Act

At ImagineAsium and its affiliated companies, we conduct business in an ethical manner, respect internationally recognized human rights, and not be complicit in any human rights abuses. We expect our employees, vendors and contractors to adhere to this standard as well and rely upon our vendors and contractors to do what is necessary to never participate in and to work to eradicate the use of unethical labor practices in their supply chains.

ImagineAsium will at all times seek to comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning human trafficking and slavery and, as a condition of doing business with our company, ImagineAsium requires all its vendors and contractors to do the same.  This includes the requirement that our vendors and contractors comply with our Code of conduct and take active steps to ensure that they too are in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including those relating to employment conditions such as: (a) wage and hour, (b) child labor; (c) health and safety; (d) labor and workers’ rights and practices; (e) discrimination; and (f) environmental laws and regulations.

ImagineAsium ensures that each employee reviews and acknowledges ImagineAsium’s business conduct and ethics policies through its Employee Guide, and that its vendors and contractors review and comply with its Code of conduct, which also set forth ImagineAsium’s commitment to fair and ethical labor practices.  Beyond each vendor and contractor’s acknowledgment of its compliance with these critical standards, ImagineAsium does not maintain specific procedures for ensuring that its vendors and contractors comply with ImagineAsium’s expectations for ethical labor practices. Currently, we do not engage in verification activities to evaluate and address the risk of trafficking and forced labor in its supply chains; we do not conduct independent, unannounced audits of its vendors and contractors to evaluate their compliance with our expectations for ethical labor practices; we do not require its vendors and contractors to certify that materials incorporated into our products comply with anti-trafficking and forced labor laws; and we do not routinely provide training on trafficking and forced labor issues.

When we identify areas of non-compliance, our goal is to work with our vendors and contractors to help resolve issues, improve compliance, and promote better working conditions. That said, we have a zero tolerance policy for significant violations such as the use of child labor, any form of forced labor, slavery or human trafficking and any such violation would result in termination of our business relationship with the offending vendor and/or contractor.

This statement is made pursuant to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 and section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020.